Every few months, you'll receive carefully curated content that goes beyond surface-level financial advice. This forecast is rooted in intuition—my strongest gift—and designed to help you connect deeply with the energy of your star sign, aligning your financial decisions with your personal power.

The Energy Behind Your Finances

The truth is, your finances are more than just numbers; they are a reflection of your energy and mindset. Each star sign carries its own distinct energy, and by tapping into that energy, we can reveal where you need support in your financial journey. Through this program, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of the patterns and behaviours influencing your finances, allowing you to take control with greater awareness and purpose.

  • Realigning with the Present

    Every three months, I’ll guide you through an intuitive check-in, where you’ll explore where you stand financially and what energy you're operating from. This process will help you shift your attention back to the present moment, where real transformation happens. When you align with the energy of the present, your decisions become more intentional, and abundance flows naturally into your life.

  • Actionable Exercises for Financial Empowerment

    This forecast offers more than insights—it provides actionable intuitive exercises tailored to your star sign. Whether you're working through the forecast independently or in a group with others of the same sign, you'll find these exercises to be both productive and empowering. They are designed to deliver real results, supporting you in creating a more abundant and fulfilling financial future.

  • Key Dates to Support Your Journey

    Over the next three months, there are specific key dates to look out for that will help you navigate through the changes ahead. These dates will offer powerful insights, awakenings, and shifts to keep you confident and grounded in the present moment. I’ll deliver these personalised key dates for each star sign, ensuring you know what to look out for, so you can align with the energy of the moment and take empowered action.

Integrate Intuition and Financial Success

The Star Sign + Money Forecast is here to help you step into alignment, reconnect with your intuitive wisdom, and transform your financial reality. By regularly checking in and working with the energies present, you'll not only gain valuable insights but also experience tangible shifts in how you relate to money and your personal power.

Get ready to empower yourself. Download your copy today and begin the journey toward greater financial clarity and alignment with your true self.

What’s Included

Let’s embark on this journey together, as you gain mastery over your inner world and turn every week into a powerful step toward your most authentic self.

PDF Format: Direct Guidance at Your Fingertips. Access your star sign's Money Forecast with our streamlined PDF format. Receive crucial insights presented visually for an immersive experience.

Quartely Focus: Discover the specific areas to focus your attention on and align yourself with the greater purpose of your life's journey. Let this valuable guidance empower you to navigate each month with clarity, intention, and a sense of deep alignment.

Key Points: Discover the pivotal moments that hold opportunities and challenges. Mark them on your calendar and approach them with confidence, knowing you are equipped to make the most of every situation.

Intuitive Exercises: Awaken your inner guidance system with our carefully crafted exercises and practices. Through these personalised tools, you'll develop a deeper connection with your intuition and learn to trust its wisdom. 

Who writes the Intuitive Horoscopes?

Meet Ghazaleh Lowe 

Bondi Guru’s Director, Facilitator and Intuitive Horoscopes Writer.

The writer responsible for the beloved Intuitive Horoscopes is a seasoned professional with over 15 years of captivating readers worldwide. With a profound ability to perceive beyond the surface, Ghazaleh uncovers deeper truths for individuals and collectives, driving her work forward.

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